Category Archives: U62: The Targ

Episode 10.22: Autumnal Arrival

Well, the first day of fall has come and gone. With autumn here, it’s time to get out and do stuff! So that way, I have adventures to podcast about.

I decided to take my first trip to West Edmonton Mall all year, which results in a rant about collectors. We’ve got another Mark Tastes Random Things, where I sample KFC’s new Famous Chicken chicken sandwich. On The Streaming Report, I watch a ton of Flintstones reruns, and I wrap things up by watching that sweet, sweet WandaVision trailer.

All in Episode 10.22: Autumnal Arrival!

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And if you missed that sweet WandaVision trailer, it’s right here!

Episode 10.21: Superhero Catch-Up

And we’re back! Sorry I didn’t have an episode for you last week…my parents invited me along on their last RV trip of the season, so I ran off with them. In this week’s episode, I tell you about where I went and the shenanigans I got into. I also braved the movie theatres to see The New Mutants, so I tell you if it’s worth it. Over in The Streaming Report, I finally start on Cobra Kai, and I am loving it. And I wrap things up by telling you who’s going to be playing She-Hulk.

All on Episode 10.21: Superhero Catch-Up!

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Episode 10.20: The Procrastination Game

It’s a grey, rainy, windy day, making it tough to get motivated to make a podcast. Because I cannot let down my 20 listeners! I still find a few things to talk about. Disney’s live-action Mulan has dropped on Disney+, so I explored to find out how exactly it works. We got a new trailer for the latest James Bond film, No Time to Die, so I offer up my thoughts. Over on The Streaming Report, I give my thoughts on Star Trek: Lower Decks and Muppets Now. And I wrap things up by giving my opinion on the Alberta hyperloop. All on Episode 10.20: The Procrastination Game!

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And if you haven’t seen that No Time to Die trailer, peep it here!

Episode 10.19: The Gritty Reboot

Like a lot of folks, I was stunned on Friday night when I opened my social media feeds to see that Chadwick Boseman had passed away. So, of course, I take a moment to verbalize my thoughts. And then I execute a tonal shift to gush about the trailer for The Batman. Over in The Streaming Report, I watched a lot of Dracula adaptations this past week, so I share my thoughts. And I wrap things up by talking about two reboots in development: The Powerpuff Girls and The X-Files.

All in Episode 10.19: The Gritty Reboot!

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Oh, and if you haven’t seen that sweet trailer for The Batman, here it is!

Episode 10.18: Brand New Ceiling

It’s another grey, rainy day, so what better way to while away the hours than by cranking out another podcast! It was quiet week leading up to this, so not much to talk about. Over at DC, Ben Affleck is coming back as Batman for the “Is it finally happening?” Flash movie. Over at Marvel, Sony keeps working to make the Spider-Verse a thing, so I update you on the upcoming Spider-Man adjacent films. In the Streaming Report, it’s a couple of cult classics: Disney’s straight-to-video Cinderella III, and the TV series Spaced. And I wrap things up by redoing my bathroom.

All in Episode 10.18: Brand New Ceiling.

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Episode 10.17: Lotta binging

It’s been a pretty quiet week for me, and that’s reflected in this quiet podcast. About the most exciting thing I did was I ran out to try KFC’s new plant-based chicken, so you’ll hear that in this episode as part of a new installment of Mark Tastes Random Things. Agents of SHIELD had their final episode, so I take a moment to reflect. Over on The Streaming Report, I decide to correct the fact that I’ve never seen a Fast & The Furious film. And I wrap things up by going down a G.I. Joe rabbit hole.

And that’s all in Episode 10,17: Lotta Binging

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Oh! And I mentioned that I filmed my sampling of the KFC plant-based chicken for a YouTube video. You can watch that below!

Episode 10.16: Cool Summer Nights

And we’re back, after taking the August Long Weekend off! And I have quite a few things to share. I get all nostalgic for G.I. Joe, particularly the cool mail-away exclusives they used to have. I roll out another Mark Tastes Random Things where I sample A&W’s Fish and Chips. In The Streaming Report, I fall down an Internet rabbit hole and end up in Dollywood. And we wrap things up taking a look at Disney’s radical new distribution plan for Mulan.

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Episode 10.14: Long Lasting Balloons

I love shows where I have a lot of neat stuff to talk about! There’s yet another new Star Wars cartoon in the works. We’re getting another crossover Transformer in the form of an Autobot who turns into Tom Cruise’s plane from Top Gun. It’s one of the more anticipated installments of The Streaming Report. I finished my binge of Battlestar: Galactica and give you my thoughts. And some great new stuff at West Edmonton Mall…they’re getting a Lego Store!

All in Episode 10.14: Long Lasting Balloons!

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Episode 10.13: Talkin’ ‘Bout Ghostbusters

Well, with the movie theatres reopen and showing classics for just $5, I venture out once again in order to catch Ghostbusters on the big screen. I tell you what that was like, and decide that the 2016 reboot might be worth a revisit. In The Streaming Report, I reminisce about the late great Carl Reiner as I binge a bunch of Dick Van Dyke Show reruns. And yet another new Batman TV series is on the way!

All in Episode 10.13: Talkin’ ‘Bout Ghostbusters!