Episode 7.09: Too Cold for Spring

U62: The TargTime to bust out another episode of U62: The Targ!  Why blog about the news of the week that caught my eye, when I can fire up the ol’ recording software and tell you about it?  What caught my eye in Episode 7.09: Too Cold for Spring?

  • Westlock has finally joined Canadian civilization with a Tim Hortons having opened up in town!  My thoughts and quest to become the first customer through the door!
  • OK, here’s some news I did blog about…picking apart the trailer for Michael Bay’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
  • And it looks like one of my favourite TV shows ever, Now and Again, may finally be coming to DVD!

So fire up the ol MP3 player and give it a spin!

You can download it  here!

And here’s iTunes!