Movie Review – Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

Directed by Kunihiko Yuyama
English Translation directed by Darren Dunstan

Starring the voices of Veronica Taylor, Amy Birnbaum, Eric Stuart, Ikue Ootani, Rachel Lillis, Madeline Blaustine, and Sean Schemmel.


Holy moly, has it really been 8 movies? Have I really been watching this cartoon for 8 years? Who would have thought that, that one little anime I started watching in my final year of university would be one I still watch all these years later. And when that eight movie made it’s straight-to-DVD release in North America just a couple of weeks ago, I had to get it, mainly because I have all the other movies on DVD. Gotta catch ’em all, after all.


Our heroes – Ash, Brock, May, Max and Pikachu – are taking part in the festival at Cameron Palace. The festival celebrate Sir Aaron, a brave night who gave his life many centuries ago to stop a war. During the celebration, Ash accidentally releases Lucario – a legendary pokémon that belonged to Sir Aaron all those centuries ago. And, according to Lucario, Sir Aaron actually turned and fled from the battle. In the meantime, Pikachu is spirited away by Mew to the mysterious Tree of Beginning…a rock formation shaped like a tree. Our heroes, with Lucario as their guide, go on a quest to rescue Pikachu! And, they are joined in their quest by the Lara Croft-like Kidd Summers, who’s come to uncover the secrets of the Tree. it’s a journey deep into the heart of the Tree…and uncovers the truth about Sir Aaron.

What I Liked

Wall to wall pokémon-action. Kind of weird seeing Pikachu and Ash separated for so long…. But you get exactly what you expect.

What I Didn’t Like

Gee, it’s taken me this many movies to discover that it’s all getting kinda repetitive….

Final Assessment

Good, mindless fun.

3 Nibs

Movie Review – The Prestige

The Prestige

Directed by Christopher Nolan

Starring Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Scarlett Johansson, Michael Caine, Piper Perabo, Andy Serkis, and David Bowie.


Christopher Nolan is one of those directors that everyone tells me about. And I really do mean to see Memento someday, honest. But I didn’t get exposed to Nolan’s work until Batman Begins, which I loved. So, when I started reading up on Nolan’s next film…battling magicians in Victorian England…I went, “ooo”.


It’s Victorian England, and we focus on two aspiring young magicians, Robert Angeir (Wolver-I mean, Jackman) and Alfred Bordon (Batma-I mean, Bale). One day, an accident on stage leads to the death of the lovely assistant…who just happens to be Angeir’s wife. Angeir forever blames Bordon, and a deep-seeded rivalry develops between the two, leading them to periodically sabotage the other’s act. But then, Bordon comes up with an illusion called “The Transported Man,” which drives Angeir to obsession, as Angeir tries to figure it out. It’s an obsession that eventually leads Angeir to America…and that brilliant physicist/mad scientist Nikola Tesla. Then it starts getting a little science fictional…and murderous.

What I Liked

Well, I can’t say any more, because it’s got a great twist ending that I can’t give away. (It was a great twist ending to me, but my friend claims she figured it out halfway through.) It’s very mysterious, full of intrigues, and Johansson (as Angeir’s new lovely assistant) has one heck of a heaving bosom.

What I Didn’t Like

It does follow a Memento-ish non-linear plot, which can get kind of confusing if you’re not paying attention. And did I mention that Angeir and Bordon sabotage each other’s acts in a way that causes horrible mutilations to the volunteer from the audience? Yeah…it’s bloodier than I thought it’d be. And the sci-fi element that Tesla brings in felt a little out of place.

Final Assessment

It’s a taught little thriller that’ll make you go, “Whoa.” It’s a good time at the movies, as long as you just go with it.

3 Nibs