It’s Halloween, so I can do what I always do: bust out songs from The Nightmare Before Christmas! I also muse on Halloween, Christmas, Jack Skellington and Bob & Doug McKenzie. Just another Halloween for me.
Monthly Archives: October 2006
Episode 23: A Bit of This
Just your friendly reminder that this week’s episode of The Targ is up.
This week, it’s Episode 23: A Bit of This, in which I talk about Christmas albums, Participaction, and draw correlations between Disney’s The Little Mermaid and sex toys. Yes, sex toys. I’m putting the “not safe for work” stamp on this one. Oh, and I pad it out with some songs I really like.
And I’d just like to say that, from a purely technical standpoint, this episode sets up the model to follow. It’s only 15 minutes long, which I’ve been told is the maximum length a podcast should be before it starts getting annoying. It’s only 6M, making it a nice, easy download. And, on top of it all, it’s mildly entertaining!
So, yeah. It may not be my best in terms of content, but in terms of a technical formula for doing these things, this is the model to follow.
Original Show Notes:
Good show, this week. I talk about Christmas albums, The Little Mermaid, Participaction, and naughty things. And I slip in a classic song or two from my childhood.
Episode 22: The Weird Al Show 1
To celebrate “Weird Al” Yankovic’s new album, nothing but Weird Al songs! And 75% stuff off the new album, Straight Outta Lynwood.
Episode 21: The Bat Show
Something I’ve been planning ever since I started this…it’s nothing but songs from the Batman movies! And, in between, I wax poetic about the Dark Knight.